Secure payment
Daily: 2025-03-25 is proud to accept Paypal

PayPal is how individuals and businesses send and receive money online.

  • Choose to pay using your credit card, debit card, or bank account
  • Make secure purchases without revealing your credit card number or financial information
  • Shop using PayPal on eBay and with thousands of merchants worldwide

Is PayPal secure?
Yes. PayPal uses SSL technology to keep your information safe. In addition, when you send a payment using PayPal, the recipient won't receive sensitive financial information like your credit card or bank account number. This way, you don't have to worry about paying people you don't know.

How secure are PayPal transactions?
PayPal uses the latest technology and proprietary procedures to protect the security of its members transactions. We encourage you to carefully review our Data Security and Encryption page to answer questions about our industry-leading protection policies.

Learn more about paypal here.
